The Eymardian Places
Peter Julian Eymard was a pilgrim throughout his life. He journeyed long distances to places that brought him closer to God. The power of these places remained with him and brought him back, to reflect and pray, to give thanks, and to be renewed by his experience of God.
The Eymardian Places are places where Eymard found God. They are also places where we may find Eymard in the churches and shrines that he loved, in the villages and cities where he lived and worked, and where events occurred that were significant in his life.
For an extensive treatment on the Eymardian places, an online resource of information is available on the website:
La Mure is the birthplace of Father Eymard and where he grew up. The chapel recalls his baptism, confirmation, eucharistic piety, preaching, funeral. There is also the place of his birth in 69 rue du Breuil, which today houses a permanent exposition and house where Father Eymard lived and died in 67 rue du Breuil. There is the Calvary, comprising three crosses, Father Eymard’s and his sisters’ tomb in the cemetery and other memorabilia of his life.
“You are right in thinking that I don’t forget La Mure and my sisters. If I were free to do so, I would go quickly to see you and to breathe the fresh air of the mountains. But for the present the Good God does not want this, we’ll see later.” (CO 77,1)
“I’ll pray indeed for La Mure, for the success of the jubilee, since one always loves one’s hometown a lot.” (CO 288,1)
“I pray much for La Mure so that the Good God may make it holy and happy.” (CO 308,1)