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The Eymard Legacy - Essay -Saint Peter Julian Eymard (1811-1868): The legacy and its transmission, Anthony McSweeney, SSS
Selected Listings:
Month of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament – SPJE Archive
The Divine Eucharist
The Real Presence Eucharistic Meditations by Saint Peter Julian Eymard Email order:
Commentary on the Rule of Life
Australian Catholic Truth Society -Eucharistic Adoration
My Eucharistic Day (1954) - Rules and practices recommended by
Blessed Peter Julian Eymard – online provided by Catholic Culture
General Introduction to Saint Peter Julian Eymard' His Life and
Spirit - The Life and Letters of Saint Peter Julian
The Life & Letters of Saint Peter Julian Eymard - Hard copies
Translated and arranged chronologically by Sister Catherine Marie Caron, SSS -
Volume 1- The Early Years (1828 -1852)
Volume 2 - The Transition Years 1853-1857
Volume 3 - The Eucharistic Family 1858-1861
Volume 4 - The New Horizons 1862-1864
Volume 5 - The Plowman 1865-1866
Volume 6 - Through the Tempest 1867-1868
Dining In the Kingdom of God - Fr. Eugene A. LaVerdiere,
SSS, a Catholic priest of the Congregation of the Blessed
Sacrament, was a leading American Scripture scholar and wrote
extensively on the Gospel of Luke, the Acts of the Apostles, and
Mark. This book has a study guide that facilitates the Story of
the 10 Meals. Each of the ten meal stories is a complete story in
itself. Each has its particular setting and cast of characters
among whom Jesus is usually but not always the principal guest;
each table encounter manages a brief dialogue and a short
discourse of a simple saying. You will find it very engaging and
revealing while enriching your understanding of the Real
Presence and meaning of the Eucharist. It is an eye-opener for
those who love the Eucharist and who are interested in the
Gospel of Luke. Thank you to Fr. Eugene and the Congregation
of the Blessed Sacrament for republishing during the Renewal
and Revival of the Eucharist.
A Eucharistic Spirituality - Fr. Paul Bernier S.S.S. & James Brown
If you are looking to deepen your Eucharistic Spirituality, search no
further. If you are simply searching for a solid Catholic spirituality, this
is surely the book for you. Now, perhaps you are merely curious about
what Eucharistic spirituality is all about. If so, this just might be what
you have been waiting for. Wherever you maybe on your spiritual
journey you will find the chapters in this book helpful, and Saint Peter
Julian Eymard, Apostle of the Eucharist, a helpful companion.
Father Norman Pelletier, SSS
God Is Merciful – You can plunge into that ocean of mercy and
compassionate love! Saint Peter Julian Eymard, Selected texts by
Fr. Manuel Barbier, S.S.S. - Year of Mercy 2015-2016 Meditation
from the Complete Works
Counsels for Spiritual Life – selected from Saint Peter Julian's correspondence by Fathers Fiorenzo Salvi and Giovanni Moretti Manuel Barbiero and Andre Guitton, SSS - Introduction... [Out of print]
A Thought for Everyday – Saint Peter Julian Eymard – selected Texts Chosen by Sister Suzanne Alywin, SSS – Thoughts taken form Complete Works
Tomorrow Will Be Too Late – Fr. Norman Pelletier, SSS -
Orders- Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament
In God's Time – History of the Congregation – Fr. Norman Pelletier, SSS
“MAY GOD BE PRAISED!” - The Eucharistic Life According to Saint Peter Julian Eymard The Apostle of the Eucharist
A Year with Fr. Eymard – Fr. Erasto Fernandez, SSS
Praise God In His Holy Place – Psalms and Canticles of Scripture for Eucharistic Adoration by Bernard J. Camire, S.S.S.
Let Us Love the Most Blessed Sacrament by Saint Peter Julian Eymard - EWTN Library
Writings of Saint Peter Julian Eymard to Servant Sisters - Cenacle of the Servant Sisters
Saint Peter Julian Eymard – Center of Eucharisticia -pdf