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Prayer for Intercession of Miracles


O Lord, You have called the Venerable Father
Lodovico Longari to be a fervent adorer and

passionate apostle of theEucharist grant
that your glory be manifested in him, and by the same

grace, through his interession, we invoke with confidence to you

for the miracle I now request here:
O Mary, so honored by Father Lodovico as "Immaculate",

sustain our prayer.         Pray Now:

One Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Reports of graces received through the intercession of Venerable Fr. Longari Lodovico may be sent in writing to:

P. Carlo Vassalli, sss 
Via Giovanni Battista de Rossi, 46
00161 Roma, Italy

The Venerable, FR. LODOVICO LONGARI, was born in 1889 at Mondine (Cremona), the eleventh child of his Christian parents. He entered the Seminary of Crema at the age of twelve (1900). In 1912 he was ordained to the priesthood and was appointed a secretary to his Bishop. Soon afterward he came into contact with the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament and, attracted by the spirituality of St. Peter Julian Eymard, he entered the novitiate. Meanwhile, the First World War broke out and he was called to arms as a Private attached to a medical corps at the front line, where he remained until the armistice was signed in 1918. In 1920 he made his profession of religious vows in the Spanish novitiate where he had spent the two years following the conclusion of the war. He then returned to Italy where he was given the charge of setting up the seminary of the Congregation, temporarily located at Lodigiano. From 1923 to 1935 he was at Ponteranica, in the diocese of Bergamo, where he dedicated himself to the formation of the young religious, first as Director of Students, then as Master of Novices. In 1934 he was appointed Provincial, and in 1937 he became Superior General, a position he held for twelve years. He then returned to being Master of Novices at Ponteranica (Bergamo) in the house of formation which he had opened and which he loved so much. There he died on 17 June 1963.

The Influence of his Family

The Bishop of the diocese of Crema, Bishop Libero Tresoldi, made an appropriate observation when he said: “The primary source for understanding the Servant of God is the example given by his family”. The activity of the Holy Spirit began to exert its influence upon him through the faith and deep Christian life of a family and a community which, although small and unknown, affected him profoundly. The eleventh child of parents who daily participated in the Eucharist and recited the Holy Rosary, he learned from them his first acts of Eucharistic worship and his love for the Holy Virgin.

Along with these exemplary parents he also found, in his sister Teresa, a wise and gentle teacher who instilled in him a passion for the Eucharist and a loving acceptance of the holy Will of God.

And then there was his parish community where – as the Bishop attested – “still today the Eucharist and devotion to the Madonna are the inspiring central elements of a rich Christian life.” These then are still the true values which, even under quite different circumstances, can inspire every family today.

The Primacy of Love

The particular characteristic that we can immediately see in the Servant of God is that of being a witness and apostle of a spirituality that brings about an expansion of the spirit through love, a love that is an experience of the personal, intimate love of God. He became aware of that love, became intoxicated with it, and became the communicator of it through his words and his life. Both nature and grace favoured him with gifts that allowed him to contribute to the coming of that new civilisation of love which the Church looks forward to.

Some pages of his writings, composed when he was still quite young, help us to see this: “The Lord has particularly given to me a very sensitive heart because he wants me to be holy. Holiness is LOVE. How Jesus tortured me with his Love! To the extent that I could no longer resist and had to surrender… Before the good Jesus, I accepted defeat… So Jesus wants me to be holy, but always warmed by his Love.” So he became a pupil at the school of Jesus: “In the final analysis, the book studied by the saints was Jesus Christ himself. They learned true wisdom, not at the school of the wise, not in dusty libraries, but on their knees in prayer at the foot of a Crucifix, covering with kisses and tears the feet of the Divine Master”. The choice of the religious life was for him “like a second baptism. I will enter into the true life of the love of Jesus… into the vocation of love, of joy, of the happiness of Paradise… Jesus has looked down upon me, has loved me, has said to me: come, I will give you shelter, bread… I love you because I want to love you…”. He pours out his heart; words and feelings grow and intermingle with one another. He speaks of the Eucharist, he speaks of purity and of openness. He lets himself become attracted by the Bread and the Cross. His words reveal flashes of mysticism. They conclude with an invitation of Jesus: “Let yourself be consumed by my love”. It is on this foundation that his spiritual life was built…

A Personal Life Completely “Permeated by the Eucharist”

His encounter with the Apostle of the Eucharist, St. Peter Julian Eymard, determined the direction his life took, the center of his spirituality, the source of his life. “The Eucharist is what my heart needs. Without the Eucharist life would be impossible”.

The directing of his thoughts and his prayer towards the Eucharist became constant in his life and continued to grow, simplifying all his spiritual activity. In the light of the Eucharist, he saw in a new way all the great mysteries of salvation: the creation, the Trinity, the Incarnation, the miracles of Jesus, the Resurrection. It was towards the Eucharist that he directed his meditations on the priesthood, on charity, on humility. From it, he drew the strength to be able to confront suffering, trials, difficulties, responsibilities. He saw the Eucharist as a real Presence of the Lord, given in order to be adored. With a living faith, he related the worship of the Eucharist to the four ends of sacrifice: adoration, thanksgiving, reparation, petition.

Evidently, there was not yet the breadth and the richness of the eucharistic doctrine of Vatican Council II: he was a man of his time. However, his intense relationship to the Eucharist, permeated with faith and love, was continually echoed in his words and nourished with a life of prayer and adoration, whether, as during the First World War and stationed at the front line, he knelt before an ostensorium set up in his tent, or whether, at a later stage, he was caught up with the thousand and one daily preoccupations and continuous travel imposed on him by his duties as Superior General.

His manner was not that of a theologian who intellectually develops the doctrinal riches of revealed mysteries, but rather that of a spiritual man who communicates by the example of his own life, by the force of a love aroused by the contemplation of faith, and by the witness given by a life shaped by the divine.

His life, directed towards the Eucharist, burst forth into the flame of an apostolate which we can observe in three main contexts: in the governing of his religious family, in the formation of young religious and in his work for the sanctification of priests.        



                                                             Let us pray to the Trinity for his glorification

O Most Holy Trinity, we thank you for the gift of the Eucharist, the font and strength of all holiness, and ask you to glorify the Venerable Giovanni Nadiani, who witnessed in humility and service the life of love springing from this Sacrament. Through his intercession grant us the graces that we are asking from you.       Pray three “Glorias” to the Most Holy Trinity.

                                                     At Morning or Evening Prayer:

     For your Servant Giovanni Nadiani, who in humility and service witnessed the love springing from the Eucharist, grant him to be in the Church a sign of your holiness.

Whoever obtains graces please contact the Postulator, Father Bernardo Mauri:

Cell. 339 6069 275

The Venerable FR. GIOVANNI NADIANI was born on 20 February 1885 at Santa Maria Nuova in Cesena, Province of Forlì, baptised with the names Giovanni Antonio Gaspare.

His father Ercole was a manager of a grocery store and tavern, involved in trading horses and knowledgeable in providing for all the needs of the people of that small town in the municipality of Bertinoro. Though being a somewhat sombre severe person, a republican anticlerical like all the simple men of that place, he was also good and cordial towards everyone and committed to the good education of his children. He was married three times: first to Annunziata Piazzi in 1880, the mother of Giovanni, Maria and Erminio, who died at the birth of the fourth child, Adolf who also died immediately after her; then three years later in 1892 to her sister Lucia Piazzi, who bore Annunziata, who died aged five; finally, following Lucia’s death, to the maid Giovanna Ruffili in 1897. These three were Giovanni’s holy mothers, who educated him in the faith, prayer and the sacraments, even though his father was unpractising.

As a boy, he was attentive, obedient and devout. At home, on the landing, he set up a little altar before which he gathered his companions for prayer. He was an altar boy when his father allowed him.

In 1889 he entered the seminary of Cesena to become a priest permitted by his father since that establishment was renowned for providing good education to youth. But after four years since the fees were not paid he had to leave. There are many fine things said about him during his time at the seminary, for example, regarding his studiousness and being a soloist in the choir.

In 1903, when he returned home he was set to work in serving his father, doing after-school activities for the boys and taking part in the Christian Democratic Club of Provezza (Cesena). Later he emigrated to work in Switzerland to learn languages and go as a missionary. This was interrupted when he returned to Forlì for six months of military service, from which he was dismissed and resumed his work in Switzerland.

In 1907 he was in Rome serving in a bar of his mother Giannina’s relatives. During this time he entered the Church of San Claudio, where he became fascinated by the Eucharist exposed, in relation to which he reviewed his life, his vocation. He prayed for a long time and decided to join the Institute of the Blessed Sacrament Fathers that looked after that church. It was on 2 July 1907 that he entered at Turin, obediently following advice to be a Brother, a vocation to which he became passionately dedicated.

He made his novitiate at Castelvecchio of Moncalieri (Turin) from November 1907 to November 1909.

He then lived in the house of Turin until October 1931, when he was transferred to Ponteranica where he remained until his death on 6 January 1940.

He left the most beautiful signs of holiness living as a Blessed Sacrament religious.

His “spiritual notes” express an extraordinary witness of his truly ascetical and mystical life. From the novitiate, he built his intimate spousal relationship with Christ. Brother Giovanni was truly in love with Jesus in the Eucharist. He lived his life as a Blessed Sacrament Brother in contemplation and service, the two attitudes of his daily Eucharist. He was most faithful to adoration every eighth hour taking his turn in the community, ready even to substitute others who requested this, especially at night. He noted down: “The hour of adoration is an angelic exercise; it is the most necessary thing to refresh at the fountainhead the roots of virtue, to rekindle the warmth of our spirit at this ardent furnace. Adoration is the most delightful experience. The only happiness, the only joy promised to religious. Adoration is my little Mass. With what commitment I must celebrate it! I must prepare every time a victim to offer. I must renew every day the profound adoration of the Virgin at the moment of the Incarnation, her loving thanksgiving, her immolation, and her prayer.” With his passion for the Eucharist, Brother Giovanni used to live an intense spiritual asceticism. At Turin, he asked to go to confession twice a week, and to undertake always new penitential practices: hair shirt, chains around his waist, sleeping on a stray bed. He sought humility: “I will not be able to become an adorer in spirit and truth unless I am humble. Humility is the first stone, the basis of the Eucharistic life.”

Brother Giovanni used to say that he had a great secret throughout his life; it was the favourite theme of his meditations - the secret “to do the Will of God.” “It was the Secret of Jesus taught by his Mother ... When the adversaries would like to induce us to evil, we oppose them with the Will of God that forbids sin; when lukewarmness and inertia distract us from doing good, the thought of the Divine Will that prescribes good works shakes us; when hatred leads us to vengeance, we hinge it on the Will of God that requires forgiveness; when pride eagerly raises its head, we remind it that the Divine Will resists the proud. Against this sovereign and holy Will, all arrows are blunted against this diamond shield, all swords are broken. The Saints direct all their efforts to the Will of God. Father Eymard used to repeat: ‘To see the Divine Will in everything.’ In it relief is felt not only by the soul but also by the body; in the Will of God, there is peace of heart. It is true that there is no security, there is no firmness, there is no tranquillity and peace, there is no wisdom, there is no nobility for a person except in exactly fulfilling, faithfully persevering and loving the Will of God.” And Brother Giovanni proposed in a litanic form “The 33 Secrets contained in the great Secret of Jesus.”

In the community at Turin Brother Giovanni was the porter, sacristan, but above all an assistant in the Office of the publications and dispatch of the magazines, taking care of correspondence from subscribers. At the seminary of Ponteranica he was mainly the infirmarian. He was distinguished for his delicacy and kindness towards each sick person. Very modest, he did not make anyone feel uncomfortable, and everyone allowed themselves to be treated by him with confidence. It was here that Brother Giovanni regarded the beauty of his vocation as a Brother in terms of “spiritual motherhood.” He saw priests as fathers by whom so many souls were to be guided and listened to, while in brothers he saw the role of the mother who cares, who assists, who loves. He wrote a booklet “The spiritual Motherhood of the religious Brother:” “The title of Mother is not strange or improper. It is Jesus himself who gives this sublime mission to every truly loving soul who does the Will of God ... Being a little Mary, mother of Jesus, mother of the priests, mother of souls: such is the mission of the religious Brother. And no means are needed; only one thing is asked of you, the love in which everything is contained. Love with the heart of a Mother, and this love is simplified by sanctifying the present moment.” Brother Giovanni was in love with the Madonna whom he called “Smile in the family.” He wanted to imitate her maternal delicacy.

Even in the community he was always amiable, outgoing, joyful, and offering himself to replace anyone in need. He was also sent to carry out commissions and often went to the city to do the shopping or to take the sick to visit the doctor.

He was heroic in his last year when suffering very much from a cancerous ulcer. Without diminishing his commitments, he offered himself every day as a “victim with Jesus of the altar with the Cross in his chest.” At the hospital in Bergamo (the “garden of God” he called it) he was operated on 30 December 1939: “may I celebrate my bloody Mass as a true Blessed Sacrament religious, allowing freely and with joy Jesus the Victim to complete his Passion ... the dear heavenly Mother will accompany me." He died on the morning of 6 January 1940.

This was the Venerable Giovanni Nadiani who by his life presents the beauty and attractiveness of the vocation of a Blessed Sacrament Brother and of religious life as such, even without the incentive of the priesthood. It is a vocational pattern to be fostered in our Congregation.

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