Submit Your Prayer Intentions through the Chat line. Aggregates of the Blessed Sacrament will include you in the daily Intentions.
Almighty Father, we pray for the intentions of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament for your Divine Will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. We know your grace is enough; Jesus, we trust in you as we lay our prayers before you as beggars at the foot of your cross. Hear our prayers.
+ We pray for the complete healing of our Brother Raymond; we thank you for his life; keep his focus and trust in you as we ask for his healing in your time. Please keep his family wrapped in your love as they go through his recovery. In Your name, we pray. AMEN.
+ We pray for our sister in Christ, Mary. May she remain close to your Sacred Heart as she remains hospitalized for her lung condition. AMEN.
+ We pray for the repose of the souls of our Aggregate sisters: Joan, Louise, and Nita. May their reward be a swift sign of their gift of self and love of you in this earthly world. AMEN.
Prayer for the Gift of Self
Holy Father,
May the love you manifested in Jesus Christ
and which we celebrate in the Eucharist
move us to respond to your gift with the gift of ourselves.
Make us live the Paschal Mystery.
To interiorize it in prayer
and share with others the Life that springs from It.
Assist us each day to respond to the call of Jesus, Your Son,
who invites us to leave everything and follow him
along the evangelical path traced out in our Rule of Life.
May the Holy Spirit guide us
together with the community of brothers and sisters, to search for you
and to be inspired by the Gospels, at each step.
In your ever faithful love
and trusting in the intercession of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God,
and of St. Peter Julian Eymard,
we ask you, Lord, that we may persevere all our life
with the gift of ourselves in the service of Christ
and our brothers and sisters.
Grant that we may construct a world founded on justice and love
that the reign of Christ may come and your glory revealed to the world.